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May, 2020

No More Condemnation

  • Salvation
  • hope
  • accusations
  • condemnation
  • Satan
  • Miracle Whip

No More Condemnation

Romans 8:33-34 | May 10, 2020

Have you ever been accused of something?

One day when I was in the 4th grade my teacher had to leave the class and go to the main office to pick something up. 

I don’t remember what it was, but she needed someone to carry it back to the room and being the strongest lad in the class she asked me to go with her.

I wasn’t that strong, but I wasn’t fat – that didn’t happen until the 6th grade. 

Anyway, before we left the class the teacher gave everyone an assignment and they were supposed to quietly read at their desk until we returned from the office.

To ensure this quiet reading, she assigned someone to take names of anyone who talked or misbehaved while we were gone.

So, we were gone for maybe 5-10 minutes, and when we returned there were a few names that had been written on the board for talking and misbehaving. 

Guess whose name was in the middle of that list?


Look, I might have stolen my uncle Max’s toupee and glued it on my face when I was Moses in the school play, but I was not in that classroom that day – it was a conspiracy!

How do you respond when you’ve been accused of something?

Legal advice says that when you are accused of something it is important to watch how you react.

Be careful not to be quickly angry or defensive but try to maintain a healthy level of self-control.

In other words, don’t be like the guy I was reading about in one scenario that had someone say to him:

“I’m beginning to think that you have a mouth. You ought to have that checked out by a doctor.”

And the guy shouted back:

“I do not have a mouth!”

But what if it is something beyond accusation?

Is there something that can help how you see and think and act and talk and text and post and sleep and react and respond when there is:

  • Accusation
  • Frustration
  • Aggravation
  • Depression
  • Confusion

Something that can help your heart and soul and mind when you interact with:

  • Medical statistics
  • Executive orders
  • Conspiracy theories
  • Acts of injustice
  • Family arguments
  • Toilet paper shortages

Is there something that can help?


Listen to Romans 8, beginning with verse 33:

33 Who will bring a charge against God's elect?

The Apostle Paul is writing people in Rome around 60 AD.

In the late 50’s things were relatively peaceful for them, but by the mid-60’s things got a lot harder, especially for Christians.

Nero would eventually accuse Christians of all sorts of things, so, this letter from Paul would be a big deal for them.

This letter was going to help them prepare for the stress and pain and difficulty and persecution and even the kinds of death they were going to face. 

And how does Paul that?

He keeps asking questions and he uses those questions to engage them and then he gives them the answer. 

So, here’s the question:

  • Who can bring a charge against God’s elect?
  • Who can bring a charge against God’s chosen ones?
  • Who can bring a charge against Christians?

Well, anyone and everyone – that’s right, anyone can accuse you of anything.

  • You might be accused of hoarding toilet paper
  • You might be accused of not social distancing
  • You might be accused of opening too soon
  • You might be accused of waiting too long to open
  • You might be accused of cheating on your taxes
  • You might be accused of cheating at Scrabble
  • You might be accused of liking boy bands from the 90’s
  • You might be accused of saying Miracle Whip is mayonnaise

Anyone and everyone could bring an accusation or a charge against you.

And sometimes those accusations and those charges are true.

Hopefully, as Christians, the consistent accusations in our lives don’t get too deeper than cheating at Scrabble.

Paul was writing to the folks in a place called Galatia and he gave a broad list of the kinds of things that mark a person who works hard to get their own way and is generally proud of their sin.

Here are some of things he listed:

  • Immorality
  • Idolatry
  • Hostility
  • Quarreling
  • Jealousy
  • Outbursts of anger
  • Selfish ambition
  • Divisive attitude
  • Drunkenness
  • Wild parties

Again, if you are a professing Christian, hopefully those are not the kinds of things that you can consistently be accused of and if they are then you truly might need to evaluate if your profession of faith is a true possession of faith.

But if, practically speaking, anyone can bring an accusation against you for anything, where is Paul going with this question?

Well, ultimately, he is pointing us to the highest court in the land and the highest accuser and the greatest enemy in your life – Satan, the Devil, the Enemy.

Now someone might say:

  • “Satan?”
  • “You gotta be kidding me!”
  • “Do you really believe in the Devil?”
  • “You really believe in a red dude with horns and a thorny tail?”

A late justice of the United States Supreme Court was being interviewed once about the problem of evil and mentioned his belief in the Devil.

He made this comment to the interviewer: 

Antonin Scalia

You’re looking at me as though I’m weird. Most of mankind has believed in the Devil, for all of history. Many more intelligent people than you or I have believed in the Devil.

You may still say:

“Whatever, I still don’t believe in the Devil.”

Ok, think about it from another angle – do you believe that any of the following things are real?

  • Pride
  • Greed
  • Jealousy
  • Violence
  • Injustice

What is your explanation for how those things are stirred?

  • Too much caffeine?
  • Too many video games?
  • Too much talk radio?
  • Too many twists in the genetic code?

The Bible speaks to how evil is stirred by the way it describes the character and work of Satan.

  • He tempts people to sin
  • He blinds people from truth
  • He takes people captive to fear
  • He attacks people’s faith

And that’s a mild description. 

Jesus not only believed in Satan, but he spoke of his evil agents and his evil kingdom consistently. 

In “The Screwtape Letters”, C.S. Lewis wrote:

C.S. Lewis

There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.

We would plead with you to not make either error, but to affirm the existence of the one who is known as the prince of the power of the air and hates you and desires to destroy your soul.

He’s the greatest enemy and the greatest accuser in your life. 

So, if we were using a greater and lesser argument, then we could simply say this:

If you were confident that your greatest accuser and your greatest enemy had no real, legitimate, ultimate power or authority over you, wouldn’t that help with lesser accusers?

If you had a get-out-of-jail free card, wouldn’t you be okay if the president of the HOA of Marvin Gardens accused you of breaking the regulations because you planted Flying Duck Orchids instead of Monkey Face Orchids in your front yard?

The difference is, Paul is not talking about orchids – he’s talking about the kingdom of God and the people of God’s kingdom.

Here’s the question again:

33 Who will bring a charge against God's elect?

What’s the answer?

33 God is the one who justifies;

Paul must have watched a lot of Matlock or Law and Order because he’s all about some courtroom language.

The glory of God is the most perfect standard in the universe and none of us measure up to that standard.

We all fall short – none of us are perfect.

And because we all fall short of the glory of God, in the highest court in the universe we are rightly accused and condemned as sinners.

Being justified means that God, as the highest judge in the universe – in a stunning turn of events – removes that condemnation and declares a person “not guilty”.

Being justified is something that happens to a person.

You can’t justify yourself.

You can’t be the judge and be on trial at the same time.

God is the only one who can change your sentence.

And how does he go about doing that?

He does it by his grace.

Because he is the highest judge in the universe God owes you nothing, but there is something that he desires to give you. 

He desires to give you a sentence of “not guilty”.

  • You can’t throw money at the court
  • You can’t throw together a sob story that sways the judge
  • You can’t earn a reduced sentence with community service

There is absolutely nothing you can do to earn “not guilty”.

Being justified is gift of grace from God that is:

  • Unearned
  • Undeserved

But wait a minute, nothing in life is free!

Somebody has to pay for that gift, right?

Yes, the court cost has been paid – a ransom has been paid. 

By who?


By Jesus Christ!

How did Jesus pay for it?

Through the propitiation of his blood.

You might be thinking:

“Whoa – we are in a pandemic so drop the big words!”

What in the world is propitiation?

In the simplest of terms, it means “satisfied”.

A payment has been satisfied.

Not by the person who owes it, but by someone else.

On the cross, Jesus stepped in as our propitiation. 

He stepped in as the only, perfect substitute to satisfy the just and right penalty for our sin.

He purchased our “not guilty” with his very own blood.

And there is no sequel to propitiation.

The blood of Jesus has perfectly and completely and ultimately and finally and eternally satisfied the wrath of God!

Elvina Hall

Jesus paid it ALL, ALL to Him I owe…

So, if God has justified a person through the sacrificial substitute of Jesus then who can legitimately accuse them?

No one!

No matter what accusation or frustration or confusion or fear might be pressing down upon your heart and mind today if you are in Christ being justified by God is greater!

It doesn’t mean that those things aren’t real, but they are not more real than your justification.

To be right with God is the greatest thing in the universe, therefore it overpowers ever other thing in the universe, including and especially accusation and fear and even death!

Ok, so next question!

34 who is the one who condemns?


You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

Thus far in my life I have not heard those words in person – at least not directed at me.

But in our legal system those words are distinctly true. 

Evidence and witnesses and even your own words can be used against you in a court of law. 

And in the highest court of the universe they can be used against you as well. 

So, when you stand before God, will the evidence show that you are with Christ or without Christ?

It has been said that there are only two options for a defendant in a court of law:

  • Vindication
  • Condemnation

Or put in simpler terms:

  • Guilty
  • Not guilty

So, when you stand before God, which words will you hear?

If you are in Christ nothing can be used against you. 


Paul said it this way a few sentences back in his letter to Rome:

Romans 8:31

Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

How is that possible?

34 Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God,

Conspiracy theories are nothing new.

The first one started at the very beginning of humanity when Satan asked:

“Did God really say?”

And there is a smorgasbord of conspiracy theories surrounding the birth and life and death and resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ.

But can I challenge you to consider the gospel?

To consider the story of Jesus?

To read and look and investigate the claims about Christ?

I think you will find that it requires a great deal of faith to ignore the biblical and historical and eyewitness accounts about Jesus. 

And to ignore those accounts – to ignore the truth of the gospel, the truth about Jesus – means that today your heart does not have the ability to have true, lasting hope.

And to ignore and reject the gospel means that you are condemned and not justified. 

And that sentence lasts forever. 

So, we plead with you to repent and turn to Christ.

And if you profess to be a Christian, I pose a very simple question that we all need to consider and examine and embrace during times of pandemic or during times of comfort and ease – and here’s the question:

Are you going to live your life by conspiracy theories or are you going to live your life by the gospel?

Are you going to live your life under the fear and accusations of the enemy or are you going to live your life under the beautiful reality that in Christ there is now no condemnation?

No condemnation!

How do we know that is true?

  • Because Christ Jesus died
  • Because Christ Jesus is risen
  • Because Christ Jesus is at the right hand of God

I was reading a story this week about John Newton – the man who penned the words of Amazing Grace.

He was having a time when he was weak and depressed and weighed down with guilt – none of us have ever experienced that kind of stuff, right?

Newton described facing Satan during that time – facing his highest accuser – and he said one thing to the Enemy.

He said, “This pandemic has changed me and I’m turning over a new leaf and I’m going to be a better Christian?”


He said, “Satan, you’ve caught me at a bad time, I’m trying to connect the dots on this vaccination conspiracy theory today, but tomorrow I am going to do a lot more for Jesus.”


He said, “All these church memes and live streams have stirred my gumption and I’m going to do more personal Bible studies.”


He said, “Satan, August 6, 1984! Once saved always saved so get thee behind me!”


If you are facing the prince of the power of the air, the greatest enemy of your life, don’t waste your breath with nonsense. 

As the story goes, John Newton in the middle of his weakness and his depression and his guilt faced the devil – his accuser – and said:

“Christ has died.”

Dear Christian, that is the only answer we have!

And it is the only answer that works!

Christ has died – and he is risen indeed!

After he was crucified, after he was resurrected, after he ascended into heaven Jesus sat down at the right hand of God and that is where he will remain until he returns to judge the quick and the dead – the living and the dead.

And what’s he doing at the right hand of God?

34 who also intercedes for us.

Dear Christian, Jesus is praying for you. 

If I’m honest I can’t even get my mind around that, but it is a big deal and it really matters a lot…why?

Robert Murray M’Cheyne was a young, but faithful Scottish preacher during the 1800’s.

He was only 29 when he died.

This is what he said about Christ praying for believers. 

And I’m so thankful for my mom today because almost every morning she made a commitment to help me hear the truth of God’s Word before I stepped into the world.

If you are a mom, or hope to one day be a mom, what I am about to read is one of the best truths you could ever invest in your children. 

Robert Murray M’Cheyne

If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for me!

  • Jesus died
  • Jesus is risen
  • Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God
  • Jesus is praying for you, dear Christian

And because those things are true, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!

No more, no more, no more!

Message by Dow Welsh |

May 10, 2020 © Holland Avenue Baptist Church


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Above are pre-sermon manuscript notes, not sermon transcript

Sermon scriptures NASB unless otherwise noted

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Have you ever been accused of something? I have been accused of something. One day when I was in the fourth grade, my teacher had to and go to the main office to pick something up. And she needed someone toe help her carry whatever it was back to the office. Not sure what it was, but But me being the strongest lad in my class, she asked me to go and help her carry it back. Actually, I wouldn't. That strong wasn't fat. That didn't happen until the sixth grade. Anyhoo, so that day were walking down to the office. But before we did, she gave an assignment. Everybody in the room and everybody in the room was supposed to read quietly at their deaths. That was what they were supposed to do. And to ensure that everyone would re quietly at their desk, she tapped somebody to take names of anyone who was not cooperating. And those names were supposed to be put on the chalkboard. So we were gone for, I don't know, five or 10 minutes came back, came back in the room. There were some names on the chalkboard of folks who had misbehaved, and we're doing the wrong thing. Guess whose name was owned? The chalkboard? Yeah. Mine? Yeah. Now, look, I might have stolen my Uncle Max is to pay and glued it to my face when I was Moses in the school play. But I was not in that room that day. I was not misbehaving because I was not there. It was all a conspiracy. Yeah. So what do you do when you are accused of something? Well, legal advice says that when you're accused of something, be careful how you react. You want to be sure that you're not quick, Teoh. Show anger or to be defensive or to lose that You wanna show some self control? No words. You don't want to be like the guy that I read about one scenario that somebody said to him, You know what it looks like You're starting to get a mouth. You should have a doctor check on that. And the guy shouted back. I do not have a mouth. Yeah, You want to be too quick in your response. But what if it's not an accusation? Is there something that can help you? I think see, Consider Act speak text post, react and respond when there is an accusation or an aggravation or frustration or a depression or a confusion. Is there something that can help your heart and your mind and your soul when you are having to interact with acts of injustice with medical statistics with executive orders? When you're having toe interact with conspiracy theories, are your having to interact with family arguments? You're having to interact with a shortage of toilet paper. Is there something that can help and moments like that? Whether it is, there's something that can help and what is it? Well, let's see if we can find out together. Be looking at Romans Chapter eight, beginning with Verse 33. Who will bring a charge against God's Elect? Apostle Paul is writing the folks around 60 a. D. In the late fifties, life was pretty good, relatively normal and peaceful for them in Rome. But But in the mid sixties, things got a little more difficult, especially for Christians. Nero became emperor, and Nero accused the Christians of just about anything he could possibly find to accuse him. Things got tough and things got hard, but but that's why this letter was going to be really helpful for them. This letter from Paul was going to help them. They were going to be able to prepare for the kind of pain and hurt difficulty and hardship, even the kinds of death that they were about to face. And so how? How was this letter going to help? How did Paul help them prepare? Well, this is what he did. He he asked questions to engage them, and then once they were engaged, he given the answer. So the question here is who can bring a charge against God's elect? Who can bring a charge against God's chosen ones who Kenbrell ing a charge against Christians? Well, anyone and everyone can bring a charge and an accusation at any time that at any time someone might accuse you of hoarding toilet paper, somebody might accuse you of not social distancing. Somebody might accuse you of opening too soon, and somebody else else might accuse you of not opening. Soon enough. Somebody might accuse you of cheating on your taxes, or you might be accused of cheating at Scrabble. You might be accused of liking boy bands from the nineties, or you might be accused of saying that Miracle Whip is mayonnaise. Bless you. We we love you, but it But it's it's not anyone, and everyone could bring an accusation or a charge against you. And some of those accusations will stick right. Some of them will be true. But hopefully if you're a believer, if you're a follower of Jesus, hopefully those accusations won't go too much deeper than cheating that scrapping right? Paul was writing some folks in the place called Alicia, and he gave him kind of a broad list of things that mark a person that's really super proud of their sin, someone who's always fighting to get their way, these air, the kinds of things that you would see in that person's life. These are all from Galatians five, just a handful of things from the list that he gave immorality, idolatry, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, divisive attitudes, drunkenness, wild parties and Paul said, and things like this again, if you're a believer, hopefully these air, not the things that consistently can be accused of in your life. If so, then you might need to evaluate whether your profession of faith is truly a possession of faith. But practically speaking, if Paul is saying that anybody can bring an accusation against you for anything, where is he going with this question? In terms of helping anyone? Well, what Paul is trying to do his point us to the highest court in the land. He's trying to direct our attention to the highest accuser, the greatest enemy in your life. The greatest enemy in your life is Satan the devil. Now I know somebody's thinking. Are you kidding me? Really, Satan, you're saying you believe in Satan. You're saying you believe in the devil, Your you believe in some red dude with horns and an authority tail. The late justice of the United States Supreme Court was being interviewed once, and the discussion was on the problem of evil. And the justice spoke about their belief in the devil. And they said this to the interviewer. You're looking at me as though I'm weird. Most of mankind has believed in the devil for all of history. Many mawr intelligent people than you or I have believed in the devil. But you might say, I don't like justice anyway. They're too liberal or too conservative. I just don't like him and I still don't believe in the devil. Okay, maybe let's take it from another angle. Do you believe in any of the following things? Pride, greed, jealousy, violence or injustice? Do you believe in those things? And if so, then how do you explain how those things get stirred up? Too much caffeine, Too many video games, maybe too much talk radio are. Maybe there's too many twist in the genetic code of a person. Well, the Bible speaks to the problem of evil and how those things are stirred up in its description of the character and the nature of Satan. The Bible describes Satan of someone who tempts people to sin. He causes people to be blind to the truth. He takes people captive to fear, and he attacks people's faith. And that's just a few mild descriptions of what we see. Jesus not only believed in Satan but consistently spoke about Satan and his evil agents and his evil kingdom. C. S. Lewis and the Screwtape Letters said this. There are two equal and opposite errors into which we can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence the other is to believe and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them we would plead with You don't believe either of those errors. Don't don't run Teoh either one of those errors, but that you would affirm the existence of the one who is known as the Prince of the Power of the Air with one who hates you, hates your kids, hate your spouse, hate your family, hates your friends, hates everyone in the world and desires that your soul would never find true, lasting hope. We plead with you to firm his existence. Jesus did. And if we take this and look at that, we see that he is the greatest enemy of your life and he is the greatest accuser of your life. And then we take that and we put it in this greater than less than argument. And suddenly we have a bit of an answer, right? We have an answer of the greater than or less than because if you were confident that the greatest accuser in your life the greatest enemy in your life had no riel legitimate power or authority over your life, don't you think that would help you with your lesser accusers. If you had a get out of jail free card, don't you think that would help you? When the president of the homeowners association accuses you of breaking the regulations because you planted flying duck orchids in your front yard instead of monkey face orchids in your front yard? Don't you think that get out of jail free card would help you to not be afraid, so to speak of the lesser if the greater has been cared for? The difference, though, is Paul's not talking about orchids. Izzy Paul is talking about your greatest enemy, and he's talking about the people of God, and he's talking about the Kingdom of God. Listen to the question again. Who will bring a charge against God's Elect? 11 Paul sayss aren't Come on, come on in here. Here's the question. Who could bring a charge against you? And then he gives the answer. God is the one who justifies Paul. Mr watched a lot of mat lock a lot of law and order because, man, he's he's got nothing but courtroom language and everything that he's saying. And here's the picture of what he's painting the glory of God is the most perfect standard in the universe. It's the highest and most perfect standard in the universe, and all of us fall short of that standard. All of us, none of us measure up to that standard. None of us are perfect. And because we fall short of the glory of God, the highest court in the universe rightly accuses and condemns us as sinners. But being justified means the highest judge in the universe. God does something. It's a stunning turn of events. God removes the condemnation and declares a person not guilty. But that's what it means to be justified by God and a person is justified. You cannot justify yourself. You can't be the judge and be on trial at the exact same time. Onley. God can change your sentence. And how does he do that way? Does it? By grace, he does it by grace, and his grace moves to do something amazing because here's the thing because he's the highest judge in the universe. He owes mean nothing. He owes you nothing. He's the highest judge, were condemned sinners. He owes us nothing, but he desires. He delights to do something for you. to give something to. And what is that he desires to give you a not guilty. That's what he desires to do. You can't throw money at the court. You can't come up with a sweet sob story to try to sway the judge. You can't reduce your sentence by doing community service. There is no way absolutely no way that you can earn a not guilty. Not guilty is a gift. By the grace of God to you, undeserved, unearned. But smart people would say, Hey, wait a minute. A nothing free in life. You're right. There is a cost. But the court cost has been paid. In fact, it is a ransom that has been paying. And who paid the ransom? Christ Jesus paid the ransom. And how did he pay the ransom? He paid it through their Perpich. She ation of his own black. Whoa! Hang on, preacher. I'm having a zoom at school right now. So now back the big words. Okay, So what is perpetuation? We're appreciation in the simplest terms. It means satisfied. Satisfied? It means a payment has been satisfied. But here's what's unique. It's a payment that's been satisfied not by the person who owes it, but by someone else and that someone else is Jesus on the cross. Jesus satisfied the payment for arson. Jesus was our perp initiation. He stepped in. He was the Onley perfect substitute that can satisfy the penalty of my sin and your sin. And here's the thing about propitiate in There is no sequel. There's not a lethal weapon. Four. Starring Jesus. There's no sequel to this Jesus. When he died on the cross, when he sacrificed himself for our sins, he completely and ultimately and perfectly and finally and eternally dealt with the wrath of God. He's satisfied the wrath of God. He's satisfied the penalty of sin. The old him puts it this way. Jesus paid it all to him. I Oh so God is justified a person through the sacrificial substitute of Jesus. Then the question remains. Who can truthfully, legitimately accused them? No one, especially not saying, especially not the enemy. So think about your life right now. Whatever accusation or frustration or confusion or depression or aggravation or fear, whatever it is that you're dealing with life, whatever is pressing you down right now, whatever has your heart and your mind like it is in some kind of rich being pressed. Remember this, that if you are in Christ, you are justified and that is greater. It's it's greater. I think it's hard for us to think through those sometimes. But remember this It doesn't mean that all those things aren't really okay. Sometimes we we talked big religious theological language and we go message. No, listen. Accusations Ariel and frustrations. A real confusion. Israel Depression, Israel Aggravation Israel fear Israel. Stress Israel anxiety Israel It's all real. But when we look into the truth of what it means to be right with God, what it means to be justified, we would say this to be right with God, to be justified is the greatest thing in the universe. Therefore, it over powers every thing else in our life. It overpowers every pain, every difficulty, every hardship, every pandemic, every chaotic moment. It even overpowers death itself. First question. Answer. So what's the next question? Paul gives us? 1st 34 Who is the one who condemns you have the right to remain silent? Anything you can, everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. I missed that up because I've never actually heard those words directed at me. At least not yet. You know, the days Young will see. But even if you haven't heard those words directly, they're distinctly true evidence, witnesses, even things that you say about yourself. Your own words can be used against you in a court of law. And in the highest court of the universe, words can be used against you as well. In the highest court of the universe, the question still remains. When you stand before God, what will the evidence show? What you've said in your life? How will that be Evidence that you are with Christ or without Christ? Someone has described the the role of a defendant in a court of law as only having two outcomes either vindication or condemnation, or put in simpler terms either guilty or not guilty. So when you stand before God, what words will you here? If you're in Christ, nothing can be said against you. If you're in Christ, that Theo enemy Satan, your accuser, he can't do anything with his accusations. Why, How is that even possible? Paul said it this way. Just a few Senate's is back at the very beginning of Chapter eight, he said. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, no condom nation. This might be a little too personal, but I think for your own life, who is it that you feel like has always condemned you? There's always pressed you down, who always has criticized you, who you feel like you can't do anything right for them. The gospel tells us that in Christ there is no condom nation from the highest judge in the universe. The greater empowers us for the lesser. But how is it possible that there's there's no condemnation? Got even be, Paul tells us. Look at Verse 34 Christ Jesus. Is he who died? Yes, Rather, who was raised, who is at the right hand of God? Conspiracy theories are nothing new. The first conspiracy theory was the very beginning of humanity when Satan said, Did God really say that? And there is a smorgasbord of conspiracy theories surrounding the birth and life and death and resurrection on ascension of Jesus, all kind of things out there. But can I just invite you to consider the gospel. Can I just invite you to consider the story of Jesus toe? Look at to learn, to evaluate, to consider the accounts about Jesus because it requires a great deal of religious faith to ignore or reject the historical biblical eyewitness accounts about Jesus. And if you ignore or reject those accounts than today, your heart has no hope. Toe have riel lasting hope your heart doesn't have the capacity as long as you are rejecting and worse still, if you continue to ignore or reject the accounts of Jesus to reject the Gospel, then you will continue to not be justified and to be condemned. I know that sounds like super harsh language, but it's it's how Jesus spoke. It's it's how the Bible speaks and that sentence of condemnation last forever. So we would plead with you to repent and turn to Christ. But if you're already a believer, at least if you profess to be a Christian, then I have just a few simple questions to ask you. Questions that are important if there's a pandemic are questions that are important. If everything is comfortable and easy, and those questions go a little bit like this. Are you going to live your life by conspiracy theories? Or are you going to live your life by the gospel? Are you going to live your life angry and rebellious about every opinion that's not yours? Or are you going to live by the gospel? Are you going to live in fear of everything that's happening or in fear of every accusation that your greatest enemy might hurl at you? Or are you going to live in the reality of the beauty that there is now? No condemnation for those who are in Christ from that information changes everything. How are you going to live? How are you going to live by your neighbors going to live? How are you going to live? How do we know that this condemnation has been taken away? I mean, how do we know it's true? Because Jesus died and because Jesus is risen And because Jesus is at the right hand of God, that that's how we know it's all true. Theatre counts. Help us see the truth. I was reading a story about John Newton, the man who wrote great hymn Amazing Grace Newton was having a time in this life where he was weak. He was depressed, and he had this weight of guilt pressing them down. And And he describes a sense of facing Satan facing his greatest accuser, facing his greatest enemy. And he said, one thing to say and this is what he said. He said, You know what? Satan? This pandemic, it's It's caught my attention. So I'm going to I'm going to try to be a better Christian. That's what I'm a do from now. No, that's not what he said. What he said was, You know what, Satan? You caught me at a bad time. Today. I'm trying to connect the dots of this vaccination conspiracy theory. But tomorrow, tomorrow I'm going to do a lot more for Jesus. No, that's not what he said. What he said was, You know what, man all these church means in these church life streams, man, and they just they've stirred my gumption. So I'm going. I'm going to start having more personal Bible studies. That's what I'm national, he said. What he said was this Satan, August 6 1984 once saved, always saved. Get thee behind me. Listen, if you're facing the Prince of the power of the air, your greatest enemy. Your greatest accuser. Don't waste your breath with such nonsense. John Newton face the enemy in his moment of weakness and depression and guilt. And he simply said this Christ Jesus has died. Dear Christian, that is the Onley answer we have. And it is the greatest answer we could possibly give Satan. Christ Jesus has died and he is risen. Indeed. Now get thee behind me. It's our hope. That's our hope. After he was crucified after his resurrected after he was ascended into heaven, Jesus sat down at the right hand of God and he is there now. And he will be there until he returns to judge the quick and the dead, the living and the dead. And what is he doing at the right hand of God? What was Jesus doing right now while you're streaming, Paul tells us who also intercedes for us. They're Kristen. Jesus is praying for you. I'll be honest. I cannot wrap my mind around. That was a little like, you know, if he's sitting in the chair, I guess he's not kneeling. Is folding his hands in his eyes closed? I don't know what it looks like. I just know that this promises throughout Scripture that Jesus is interceding for us, and although I may not be able to understand it, I know it matters. I know it's important big time in every way, to my life and to your life. Why Robert Murray McShane was a young and faithful Scottish pastor in the 18 hundreds. He was only 29 years old when he died. He said something very powerful about Jesus, praying for believers. And before I tell you what he said, I just want to take a second because of this day on, because she's watching to think, to think, my mom, because my mom made sure that every morning, least almost every morning before I stepped into the world, she made sure that I heard something about the truth of God's word and some mothers or mothers to be or mothers that air praying to be a mother. Can I just say that what I'm about to read is one of the most important things you could ever invest in your child, and it's this. This is what McShane said. If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a 1,000,000 enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for May. Jesus died. Jesus is risen. Jesus is at the right hand of God. And dear Christian Jesus is praying for you. And because all of that is true, there he is. Therefore now, no condemnation, no condemnation, no more, No more, no more. That is our hope in Christ.


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